December 23, 2021

nextcloud hub II

The time has come to regain control of our digital assets and digital property. Let the self-hosted cloud revolution begin, nextcloud Hub II is here!

As many know by now, back in 2016 the European Union created a framework for digital data protection known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This was in response to the thousands of data breaches, data leaks and other big tech slip ups over the years that exposed millions of peoples private data. It seems there is a growing need to protect data, whether or not the GDPR will accomplish this will remain to be seen. But at the very least we now have GDPR complaint platforms coming into view. In the US the only privacy compliance regulation has been HIPAA so far, nothing outside of medical information. I imagine any further US regulation will just result in even more censorship, more data monopolies, data breaches and data leaks, but I digress.

I think the time has come where we need an alternate decentralized solution for cloud provisioning, void of big-tech profit motives and social engineering agendas of censorship and manipulation. I think projects like nextcloud will pave the way to decentralized distributed tiny-tech cloud hosting providers, with a focus on privacy and digital sovereignty. These alternate providers may come at a cost, as there is always a cost to provide services where the model is privacy as we are no longer the product being sold. So maybe we need to ask ourselves how much value there is in data privacy and whether or not we are willing to pay a price for it. When these services come for free, there is no telling where our data will be stored, there is no telling when the next data breach will happen, and how many millions each breach will effect. At least with a decentralized approach, the impacts can be minimized.

My hope is that others with the technical ability and the resources will consider hosting their own nextcloud instance to grow and foster their own nextcloud circle of users. Then over time, these nextcloud instances can be connected, to create a data sharing platform where WE control who has access to our data, carefully and selectively, rather than leaving that control in the hands of big-tech companies. In no time we may see entire online communities of people working and sharing together in a decentralized fashion securely. Say goodbye to big-tech, and Hello to privacy!